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Artículos sobre Mercury

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 63 artículos

Coal-fired power stations, metal smelting and vehicle emissions all pump mercury into the atmosphere. REUTERS/Daniel Munoz

Australia emits mercury at double the global average

Australia is the 16th-largest emitter of mercury in the world. A huge amount comes from coal power stations – and a new report argues our pollution guidelines are hopelessly lax.
Mercury in exaggerated colour. The dark blue areas are rich in carbon. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

The more we learn about Mercury, the weirder it seems

Recent research explaining why Mercury is so dark raises many new questions.
This enhanced colour image shows the traces of carbon on the surface, coloured here in blue. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

Discovery of carbon on Mercury reveals the planet’s dark past

The discovery of carbon in the form of graphite on the surface of Mercury helps explain the mystery of why the tiny planet is so unusually dark.
The biggest source of mercury in the U.S. continues to be coal power plants. booleansplit/flickr

Are tighter EPA controls on mercury pollution worth it?

Politicians rail against the EPA, but economic analysis shows the health benefits of mercury controls – including both higher IQ and heart health – are worth billions of dollars a year.
An artist’s impression: MESSENGER flying over a colourful Mercury. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

Mercury’s MESSENGER mission comes to a crashing climax

It was the first probe to find water on Mercury, the planet closest to the sun. Its mission nearly over, MESSENGER is about to crash into the planet it’s been observing.
Artist’s impression of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft encountering Pluto and its largest moon, Charon. NASA/Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute

Let the people decide new place names on Mercury and Pluto

Who gets to name the craters and features on our planets was once an ad hoc affair. But now the public can have a say with just days left to vote.
Should the EPA figure the cost of reducing mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants for health reasons? Adam

Justices debate benefits and costs of EPA mercury power plant rule

A Supreme Court case could undo a key piece of the Obama’s environmental agenda, which hinges on whether the EPA should consider the costs of air pollution controls from coal plants.
Taro Taylor/Flickr

The mercury level in your tuna is getting higher

Whether man-made sources of mercury are contributing to the mercury levels in open-ocean fish has been the subject of hot debate for many years. My colleagues Carl Lamborg, Marty Horgan and I analyzed…
Artist’s concept of the New Horizons spacecraft encountering Pluto and its largest moon, Charon (foreground) in July 2015. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute (JHUAPL/SwRI)

From Mercury to Pluto: the year ahead in planetary exploration

2015 is already shaping up to be a big year in astronomy and planetary exploration, with the best yet to come. Here are some highlights to keep your eye on throughout the year. Opportunity January 25 marked…

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