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Artículos sobre Neurons

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 101 artículos

Medical treatments involving neurostimulation, or cerebral electromagnetic stimulation, are resurfacing and appear to be more effective than drugs for treating depression. Shutterstock

Neurostimulation may herald a new treatment for depression

Medical treatments involving neurostimulation are resurfacing and appear to be more effective than drugs in treating depression.
A man with ALS uses a head-mounted laser pointer to communicate with his wife, by pointing to letters and words on a communication board. Fezcat via

ALS scientific breakthrough: Diabetes drug metformin shows promise in mouse study for a common type of ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a crippling, progressive neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. Now it seems that a diabetes drug may help some cases.
We knew people with Parkinson’s disease were at heightened risk of developing addictive behaviours like gambling. Our research gives insight into why this is. From

Why do many people with Parkinson’s disease develop an addiction? We built a virtual casino to find out

About one in six people who take the most common medication for Parkinson’s disease will develop addictive behaviours. We found whether this happens depends on a person’s unique brain structure.
Existing BMIs focus on restoring function for people with mobility or communication issues. UPMC/Pitt Health Sciences

Brain-machine interfaces are getting better and better – and Neuralink’s new brain implant pushes the pace

BMIs like the ones Neuralink is working on are already used in laboratories around the world as assistive technologies. But melding your mind with an AI is probably not happening anytime soon.
Your brain is about 70% water. Shutterstock

Curious Kids: how much does a brain weigh?

An adult brain weighs about 1.5kg. It’s mostly water with some fat, protein, sugar and a dash of salt. Sounds like pancakes, I know, but I once tried chicken brains and, well, pancakes are tastier.

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