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Artículos sobre Neurodegenerative disease

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 58 artículos

People with ALS gradually lose the ability to perform voluntary movements due to a loss of communication between the nervous system and the muscles. (Shutterstock)

A promising new study could lead to a reduction in symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

A new study shows that it is possible to reduce the symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by reducing the inflammation caused by immune cells in the brain.
Multiple gene variants are linked to Parkinson’s disease, but which ones are the most relevant? dra_schwartz/E+ via Getty Images

Newly discovered genetic variant that causes Parkinson’s disease clarifies why the condition develops and how to halt it

No treatments are currently available to cure Parkinson’s disease. Better understanding the genetic foundation of this condition can help researchers find ways to slow or halt its progression.
Chronic wasting disease has been detected in two deer samples in British Columbia. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Chronic wasting disease has been detected in British Columbia deer, and we need to act now

B.C. has operated a surveillance program for over 20 years to detect chronic wasting disease, a fatal condition with no cure or vaccine. The disease has now been detected in deer in the province.
The experimental methods available today allow us to break the brain down into its elementary components in order to understand its functions and dysfunctions. (Shutterstock)

The Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank: a goldmine for research on brain diseases

Montréal is home to one of the world’s largest brain banks, the Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank, where discoveries about different neurological and psychiatric diseases are made.
Researchers are zeroing in on understanding what goes awry in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Tek Image/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Alzheimer’s disease is partly genetic − studying the genes that delay decline in some may lead to treatments for all

Despite decades of starts and stops, new treatments and key genetic discoveries are giving researchers great hope for slowing or eventually preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
Illustration of an autophagosome (light blue double-membrane to the right) engulfing cellular material. David S. Goodsell and Daniel Klionsky/RCSB PDB-101

Cells routinely self-cannibalize to take out their trash, aiding in survival and disease prevention

Cells degrade and recycle damaged parts of themselves through a process called autophagy. When this “self-devouring” goes awry, it may promote cancer and neurodegenerative disease.
Many viruses interact with the olfactory system, and can damage other areas of the brain through it. Mohammed Haneefa Nizamudeen/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Vaccination to prevent dementia? New research suggests one way viral infections can accelerate neurodegeneration

Inflammation and damage to the olfactory system from shingles, COVID-19 and herpes infections may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.

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