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Artículos sobre Numeracy

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 83 artículos

Students at the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy in Aurukun. Peter Holmes A Court

What went wrong at Aurukun School?

The lesson to be learned from Aurukun is around the impact of out-sourcing education to commercial interests.
Refugees try to warm themselves with a fire at a refugee camp at the border between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. EPA/Yannis Kolesidis

A bit of numeracy can take the heat out of the asylum debate

What a Nobel prize-winning physicist can teach us about about trying to deal with the current global crisis over asylum seekers and refugees.
Australia ranked 5th on the literacy test, ahead of the US and the UK. from

Literacy standards aren’t falling, but they are changing

The political obsession with back to basics literacy is leaving schools behind. What is taught in school is becoming increasingly distant from what is required in the real world.
The year’s nearly ended, but we’re still not sure how to best fund our universities. from

2015, the year that was: Education

2013 was the year of Gonski; 2014 the year of higher education reform; 2015 has been the year of … hmmm … wait, what actually happened this year? Just a lot of chat really, with much debate, but little…
Teachers can learn a great deal from their pupils’ mistakes in maths. From

When there’s meaning in mathematical mistakes

What if instead of dismissing wrong answers as a sign of failure, maths teachers tried to understand how their pupils came to that answer and then guided them in the right direction?
Children struggle to develop the basic “building blocks” of maths if they’re just copying down everything the teacher tells them without understanding it. From

After school learning makes kids masters of their own maths destiny

When rote learning and parroted answers replace real engagement with the material, children are bound to battle with maths. After-school homework clubs offer a different way of thinking.

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