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Artículos sobre RandD

Mostrando 881 - 900 de 3046 artículos

Southern Africa’s summer rainfall regions currently experiencing the wet-season will likely continue having wetter than normal conditions. SimpleImages/Getty Images

Southern Africa’s summer has been wetter than normal: here’s why

Southern Africa’s current above-average rainfall is a climate variability signal - a short-term fluctuation in average wet-season conditions.
People in the world’s poorest countries have not benefited equally from the recent advancements made in cancer. Jonathan Torgovnik for The Hewlett Foundation/Reportage by Getty Images

Cervical cancer is a disease of inequity: here’s how to save 60 million lives

People in the world’s poorest regions have not benefited equally from the recent advancements made in cancer screening, prevention and treatment.
Mobile money has deepened financial inclusion in Ghana. Wikimedia Commons

Mobile money service quality: what’s important to customers in Ghana

Mobile money service providers are on the path to find new ways of growing their customer base and keeping them.
Supporters of incumbent president Adama Barrow’s National Peoples Party (NPP) during a campaign rally in Banjul in November 2021. Photo by Guy Peterson/AFP via Getty Images

Why The Gambia should fast-track gender quotas for women

Temporary measures such as legislative gender quotas can increase women’s access to political participation.

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