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Artículos sobre US military

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 181 artículos

Trump during the Commander in Chief Forum. REUTERS/Mike Segar

Putin, IS and military preparedness: Six essential reads

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump appeared in the ‘commander-in-chief’ forum this week. This roundup looks at what the experts have to say about our nation’s biggest vulnerabilities.
Civilian doctors might not know that their patients have served in the military. In this photo Marines march around the World Trade Center memorial after participating in a memorial run in 2012. MarineCorps NewYork/Flickr

Veterans’ health care: doctors outside the VA need to know more about the veterans they treat

Asking ‘Have you served in the military?’ may seem like a minor issue, but it’s actually much more important than you might think. And it’s a question that few doctors make a point of asking.
Brian Williams Phil McCarten/Reuters

Brian Williams, the military and American culture

Credibility, generally, is seen as a dividend of honesty. Tell the truth and, over time, people will come to regard you as a trustworthy person, a reliable source of information. Given this formula, the…
Speaking softly… Mike Segar/Reuters

Obama sounds a quiet revolution in foreign policy

President Obama’s publication of his 2015 National Security Strategy on February 6th is the kind of event that generates great heat and discussion among a relatively small group of policymakers, pundits…
Seriously, don’t drop that. US DOD via Wikimedia Commons

Look out Iran, the US has built the biggest ever bunker-buster

The world’s largest non-nuclear bomb, and easily the most powerful “earthquake bomb” ever built, has now been tested and can be delivered by the B-2 stealth bomber. While the Massive Ordnance Penetrator…

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