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Artículos sobre Vietnam War

Mostrando 101 - 120 de 130 artículos

There are more than 58,000 names on the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in Washington, D.C. Eight of them belong to women. Derek Key

American women died in Vietnam, too

Almost hidden in the orderly rows of men’s names on the Vietnam War Memorial are those of eight female nurses who died in the conflict.
Marines help the wounded man to an evacuation helicopter near Van Tuong,1965. AP Photo/Peter Arnett

How Vietnam dramatically changed our views on honor and war

Is there honor in a losing battle? The US military faced this question in Vietnam. Its response would eventually change how the media covered war and how Americans perceive it.
Students for a Democratic Society was the largest – and arguably most successful – student activist organization in U.S. history. S.Sgt. Albert R. Simpson, Department of Defense / via Wikimedia

What was the protest group Students for a Democratic Society? 5 questions answered

Student protest has been in the political spotlight since Trump’s election. Todd Gitlin, former president of Students for a Democratic Society, shares his perspective on protest in the 60s and now.
The world reacts to President-Elect Donald Trump. AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

Donald Trump and the world: Five challenges

America appears as divided over key aspects of foreign policy as it is at home. So how does President-elect Trump hope to handle that divide, and what will be the major issues facing him?
A protester outside the Republican convention in Cleveland. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart

What anti-Trump activists can learn from Chicago ‘68

RNC protests in Cleveland have been peaceful, but are they effective? A historian explains what happened at the DNC in 1968 and why activists may want to reconsider their tactics.
Mefloquine’s chemical structure is based on one of the first malaria drugs, quinine, that comes from the bark of South America’s Cinchona tree. Cinchona seedlings being packaged for shipment to make quinine, 1943/NLM

Weekly Dose: mefloquine, an antimalarial drug made to win wars

Mefloquine was one of around 250,000 chemical compounds tested for malaria-killing activity in the 1960s by the United States military who needed to protect troops from malaria in the tropics.
The Cu Chi tunnels may be the most popular of the ‘war tourism’ attractions in Vietnam.

Will tourism transform the way Australians remember the Vietnam War?

Might the rise of heritage tourism and the increasing ease of international travel lead to more of Australia’s military experiences overseas being better understood?

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