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Artículos sobre Weimar Republic

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National Socialist troops marching in Berlin to celebrate Adolf Hitler taking over power. Hitler’s accession to chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933, gave the Nazi party its “in” to eventually consolidate absolute control over the country in the months soon after, setting it on the path to the Second World War. (AP Photo)

What can we learn from the history of pre-war Germany to the atmosphere today in the U.S.?

Adolf Hitler’s rise to power was aided by courts and lawyers in pre-war Germany. A similar situation exists today in the United States.
Rosa Luxemburg, the Polish-born German revolutionary and co-founder of the German Communist Party, addressing a meeting in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1907. She was assassinated in January 1919. Universal History Archive/Getty Images

Russia’s antisemitism aimed at Ukraine’s Zelenskyy is just the Kremlin variant of a very old European virus

Antisemitism has been used as a weapon against leading Jewish politicians in Europe for over a century – no matter how assimilated they were. Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy is no exception.
Donald Trump’s policies represent a particular attack on American youth and children, particularly those who are disadvantaged. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Fascism’s return and Trump’s war on youth

Call it Fascism, American-Style. Donald Trump’s embrace of authoritarian ideals has extended to a veritable war on America’s youth.

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