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Artículos sobre Women and girls

Mostrando 341 - 360 de 465 artículos

Efforts to stop gender-based violence must include men and women. Jenny Berg/Frontline AIDS

What works to stop gender-based violence and what doesn’t

There are a number of effective interventions to prevent gender-based violence among adult women and men at risk of HIV infection. But little is known about the effectiveness of these in young people.
South Africa’s labour market is more favourable to men than to women. The 4IR may widen the gap. Sunshine Seeds/Shutterstock/Editorial use only

The fourth industrial revolution risks leaving women behind

The world of the fourth industrial revolution looks set to be one dominated by forms of knowledge and industries – like science and technology – that have long been dominated by men.
Women report abuse during delivery. Shutterstock

Subtle abuse affects women during childbirth

Research in Ghana, India and Kenya shows that more women experience subtle forms of undignified care than they do physical and verbal abuse during childbirth.

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