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Artículos sobre X (formerly Twitter)

Mostrando 721 - 727 de 727 artículos

The numbers in Manhattan streets are far outnumbered by those on social media. Don Emmert/AFP

#OccupyWallStreet …? I’ll be there, but on Twitter

On Saturday, hundreds of protestors congregated in the Wall Street area of New York at the start of a protest dubbed #OccupyWallStreet. The aim? To “flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens…
It’s getting harder to know where home starts and the office ends. webtreats

LinkedIn, Twittered out – the business and pleasure of social media

This week, the American National Labour Review Board ruled to reinstate five workers fired for complaining about a co-worker on Facebook. The board decided writing about work on Facebook was equivalent…
Not sharing your password is one of the basic rules for online safety. Michael Reynolds/EPA

Obama’s not dead, but does Twitter need #better #security?

On July 4, a hacker took control of one of the Twitter accounts of US broadcaster and sent out several tweets announcing President Obama had been shot. Because it was a national holiday and…
Facebook is a key tool for the modern revolutionary. AAP

Facebook is the new superpower

Facebook, with more than 500 million members, has now reached superpower status. If Facebook were a country, its supporters often say, its population would rank behind only China and India. But there is…

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