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Despite assurances of a sufficient and stable supply, citizens start to hoard toilet paper and other food items.

COVID-19: how to deal with our cognitive biases

Cognitive biases often lead us to irrational behaviours such as hoarding toilet paper.
BCG is a weakened live bacteria (Mycobacterium bovis). It prompts the immune system to prepare to fight off future infection.

Indonesia should explore whether tuberculosis vaccine BCG can protect against COVID-19

Indonesia, one of the 17 countries in the world with existing infrastructure to manufacture BCG vaccine, should perform large-scale clinical trials to test its use for COVID-19.
Preventing early skin to skin contact potentially disrupts newborn physiology. John Ryan/Flickr

Separating mothers with COVID-19 from their newborns does more harm than good

The WHO recommends women should be encouraged to breastfeed straight after birth, for both the mothers’s and baby’s health, including increasing baby’s immunity.
A child in a poor and isolated village in Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara. (Shtterstock/Reezky Pradata)

Without intervention, model shows COVID-19 will drag at least 3.6 million Indonesians into poverty

Bappenas conducted a simulation to predict how COVID-19 will impact poverty in Indonesia. Without intervention, the pandemic will drag at least 3.6 million Indonesians into poverty by the end of 2020.