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Griffith University

Since 1975, Griffith University has been proudly doing things differently. With more than 55,000 students, its community spans five campuses across South East Queensland, Australia. Ranking in the top 2% of university’s worldwide, Griffith’s teaching and research is focused on addressing the most important social and environmental issues of our time.


Displaying 1661 - 1680 of 1948 articles

New research suggests penguins evolved with the Antarctic. Flickr/Martha de Jong Lantink

Was penguin evolution driven by a cooling Antarctic?

Penguins are a remarkable group of flightless birds. We tend to think of them as Antarctic birds, but they actually inhabit an extremely diverse range of habitats from subzero Antarctic coastline to the…
Problems arise when adoption becomes the goal to be achieved at all costs. Image from

Privatising adoption: easier for parents, riskier for kids

Adopting a child can be a difficult and time-consuming process, with few opportunities for local adoptions. The number of adoptions in Australia has declined steadily since the 1970s, with just 45 local…
Technology is everywhere now and it’s beginning to affect learning in the classroom. Technology image from

Driven to distraction: bringing your own device to school could hinder learning

With technology becoming cheaper, more powerful and more mobile, a new trend in education is emerging – bring your own device (BYOD). Borrowing from the business world, bringing your own device simply…
Tony Abbott can have an emissions trading scheme and be a good conservative politician. Dean Lewins/AAP

How the Coalition can keep a carbon price and its election promises

Perhaps the Abbott government can solve its climate change problem by revisiting an old Coalition policy. Before the 2013 election the Coalition promised to cut the “carbon tax”, introduce direct action…
Murder-suicide is a unique (and extreme) response to significant, stressful life events such as relationship separation. Image from

Extreme family violence: trying to understand murder-suicide

As details emerge of the latest appalling shooting incident in the United States, it seems the alleged perpetrator may have planned to die by suicide, after taking the lives of others - just as many have…
Indonesia foreign minister Marty Natalegawa has criticised Australia over allegations of spying, but will it actually adversely reflect our relationship? EPA/Bagus Indahono

Spying ‘scandal’: another challenge to the Australia-Indonesia relationship?

For anyone interested in Australia-Indonesia relations, nothing so characterises the phenomenon as a car on a roller-coaster. Any rise is followed inevitably by a fall. The ride is never boring, and in…
What should we make of the claims about saturated fats and cholesterol-lowering drugs? Image from

Viewing Catalyst’s cholesterol programs through the sceptometer

On the past two Thursdays, the ABC’s Catalyst program set off a chain reaction of protest from sections of the medical community, aghast that the non-medical media would question the accepted wisdom that…
ASIC Chairman Greg Medcraft. Dan Peled/AAP

ASIC underwhelms with call for greater powers

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has called for more powers, including a broadening of the definition of “whistleblower”, in a paper defending its role as the corporate watchdog. ASIC’s…
How are we going to adapt to more frequent extremes? AAP Image/High Alpha

Now is the right time to talk about climate change adaptation

When tragedies such as the NSW bushfires strike it might feel thoughtless and insensitive to talk about climate change. But history proves there are three reasons that disasters are precisely the time…
Investment in the Indigenous art market has a direct and traceable human impact. AAP Image/National Museum of Australia, Tim Acker

How super laws are killing the market for Indigenous art

Ownership, investment and art have never been entirely comfortable bedfellows. Recently, an email began to circulate among artists, gallery directors and art investors, asking recipients to lobby the Abbott…
Industry minister Ian Macfarlane will want to avoid the demise of the car industry under his watch. AAP

Mixed messages: cars, the ‘problem child’ for the Industry Minister

The Tony Abbott government has inherited the ongoing problems of the car industry which Australian governments have attempted to address for decades. It is caught between economic liberal critics of industry…
Statins have improved the quality of life for many people who would have otherwise suffered debilitating cardiovascular disease. Mykl Roventine

Some things you should know about statins and heart disease

Cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke) causes the most deaths in Western countries overall and the vast majority of premature deaths. Drugs known as statins have been the cornerstone of how we…
An adult Irukandji jellyfish, which vary in size being from as small as your thumb to as large as your palm. Dr Jamie Seymour

Will venomous Irukandji jellyfish reach south-east Queensland?

For the people of northern Australia, dangerous jellyfish stings are all too common. But under changing ocean conditions, could more of these dangerous jellyfish be moving farther south along the Queensland…
China has far more to lose from too few US dollars than it does from a dollar surplus.

US economic policy: the right settings, disastrous process

The US debt crisis is over for now, but legislators have just kicked the can down the road. In this series on the US debt ceiling, academics from Australia, the UK and the US assess the lingering global…
Firefighters have plenty of ideas about disaster management - so why don’t we listen? AAP/Dan Himbrechts

What firefighters say about climate change

You do not find many climate change sceptics on the end of [fire] hoses anymore… They are dealing with increasing numbers of fires, increasing rainfall events, increasing storm events. – A senior Victorian…
This tiny tinker frog is lives in the gullies of Queensland rainforests. Flickr/Smithsonian's National Zoo

Australian endangered species: Tinker frogs

South-west of the port of Gladstone in Queensland lies Kroombit Tops National Park, housing many plants and animals, some of them unique. The reserve includes steep escarpments with wet, rainforest gullies…
Smiling now: Christine Lagarde ahead of the annual conference that brings together IMF and World Bank governors. EPA/Shawn Thew

Should the IMF announce its intentions on economic policy?

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will today begin their marathon three-day annual meeting in Washington D.C. to review the last year and set out strategies for the future. And while it…
Despite rapid growth, Indonesia’s middle class doesn’t match the consumption capacity of developed countries, or even those we would consider poor. AAP

Australia’s middle class Indonesian dream

Since its election, the Abbott government has presented Indonesia as a huge opportunity based on its growing middle class and long-term growth prospects. The recent economic narrative has been an attempt…
Tony Abbott’s first foreign trip to Indonesia yielded some return, but time will tell if his ‘Jakarta focus’ is a success. EPA/Adi Weda

Was Tony Abbott’s Jakarta trip a success? We’ll see

Evaluating the success of Tony Abbott’s first prime ministerial visit to Indonesia depends, of course, on what you saw as its objectives. Those with high hopes – that it would mark a breakthrough in discussions…


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