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Massey University

Massey is a true “University of New Zealand”, with three North Island campuses at Auckland, Manawatū and Wellington and more than 32,000 students studying either on one of the campuses or by distance learning from throughout the world. Set up as an agricultural college in 1927 it is now a comprehensive university with qualifications in humanities and social sciences, business, creative arts, health and sciences.


Displaying 301 - 320 of 410 articles

Des membres de l'Escouade tactiques repoussent des gens du public après la fusillade à la mosquée Masjid Al Noor, à Christchurch, en Nouvelle-Zélande. AAP/Martin Hunter

Massacre de Christchurch et extrême-droite: pour en finir avec l'innocence

Les Néo-Zélandais sont naïfs quant à la nécessité d'être tolérants à l'égard des intolérants. Quelle que soit la taille des communautés extrémistes, elles représentent une menace bien réelle.
In July 2018, public servants went on strike to demand fair wages. from

Overworked and underpaid: the revival of strikes in New Zealand

Last year, more than 70,000 workers walked off their jobs in New Zealand – the highest number of people on strike since the late 1980s. The reasons for the strike wave are political and economic.
New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern meeting with the Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang during last year’s ASEAN summit. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Huawei or the highway? The rising costs of New Zealand’s relationship with China

New Zealand’s decision to block Huawei from its 5G cellular networks due to security concerns is likely to be just the first of many that challenge Wellington’s relationship with Beijing.
Donald Trump presents a wall design during a discussion on border security. EPA/Shawn Thew

Why Trump’s wall rhetoric is about power rather than policy

The partial shut-down has ratcheted up tensions within the Republican party and added to speculation that President Trump will face a primary challenge some time before the 2020 presidential election.
There are five species of kiwi in New Zealand. Their total number is currently at around 70,000 but the populations may have declined by two thirds in 20 years. from

NZ is home to species found nowhere else but biodiversity losses match global crisis

New Zealand is the last major landmass to be settled some 800 years ago. Since then, changes in land use have been extensive and catastrophic for the country’s unique flora and fauna.
It takes collective action to deal with global issues. from

How to restore trust in governments and institutions

People’s trust in politicians and governments is in decline, but it will take cross-party collaboration to deal with issues such as poverty and climate change.
Members of the migrant caravan, mostly Hondurans, cross a river that separates Guatemala and Mexico. EPA/Esteban Biba

Origins and implications of the caravan of Honduran migrants

Honduran migrants trudging north towards the US-Mexico border are fleeing violence and poverty that has its roots in activities of 10th-century American fruit companies.


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