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The University of Edinburgh

Founded in 1583, the University of Edinburgh is one of the world’s top universities. It is globally recognised for its research, development and high-quality teaching, attracting some of the world’s leading thinkers to work and study. The University is one of the UK’s top five universities for research and its academics’ research achievements have global implications. Its scientists created Dolly the Sheep, the first mammal to be genetically cloned from an adult cell. The University developed the first genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine, pioneered the first automated industrial assembly robot, and devised technology used in today’s smartphones. It is working towards many more historic firsts. With one of the most diverse populations of any Scottish University, two thirds of the world’s nationalities are represented in a student body of more than 31,000.


Displaying 181 - 200 of 363 articles

US President Donald Trump stamped his inaugural speech with the promise of ‘America First’ – a slogan with an ominous past. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Trump’s ‘America first’ pledge has echoes of Rhodesia’s racist white nationalists

Rhodesia’s white supremacists appealed to the white electorate by taking a stand against African liberation. Similarly, Donald Trump appealed to white Americans who feel overwhelmed by globalisation.
Parents invest less in each child beyond their first born, and it has a lasting impact. jeremyhiebert/flickr

How parents shape the advantages of being first-born

Birth order is blamed for many social ills, often with little evidence. But being first-born does offer some developmental advantages – and results of a new study point the finger at parents.
People walk through the London Stock Exchange lobby. Will the excesses of big business become more prominent in post-Brexit UK? Reuters/Suzanne Plunkett

Controlling big business in a post-Brexit world: Can the UK cope alone?

The UK’s free market orientation and its strong tendency towards short-termism and impatient capital could have significant adverse effects on the economy in the long run.


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