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The opposition claimed more than seven million Egyptians had signed a petition calling for the president to step down. Zeinab Mohamed/Flickr

Morsi’s authority ebbed away, but Egypt is dangerously divided

“Egypt is split” is how many Egyptians describe the current crisis rippling through the country. Before Wednesday night’s apparent military coup, journalists had reported on pro and anti-Morsi demonstrations…
Is “fresh, farm-raised” a modern oxymoron? Natalie Maynor/Flickr

Beef or fish, Madam? Soon you might not have the choice

The amount of aquaculture produce worldwide - including farmed fish and shellfish - has now overtaken global beef production, by 64m tonnes to 57m tonnes. Perhaps more remarkably, we are on course to harvest…
LCP care pathway debate should focus on better care for the dying. Flickr/ejorpin

‘Death pathway’ label does little to help the dying

The death of 83-year-old Jean Tulloch is to be officially investigated after her son’s claims that doctors attempted to speed up the end of her life by withdrawing food and fluids. Once again we see more…
Big question: Scotland will get the chance to decide on its future. Scottish government

Scottish independence: simple question - but no easy answers

Foundation essay: This article on the debate over Scottish independence is part of a series marking the launch of The Conversation in the UK. Our foundation essays are longer than our usual comment and…
Austerity’s unlikely winner? Drug image via

Arbitrary austerity fuels organised crime in Europe

Until the 1990s, Europeans viewed themselves to be generally unaffected by the activities of organised crime, with the notable exception of Italy and, to a minor extent, Germany. But now, Europol’s recently…
Gathering storm: today’s well-equipped rebel carries an iPad. Mohamed Azazy/Flickr

Egypt uprising: much more than just a ‘Twitter revolt’

These days all you need to be a revolutionary is a mobile phone and a grievance. Some see what is happening on the streets of Cairo as the ultimate expression of democracy - millions of people using social…
It’s a numbers game: warning of heart attack risk is reassuring but misleading. Flickr/ansik

Regulator still falling short over painkiller warnings

Millions of people use diclofenac, an over-the-counter painkiller, to relieve pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, backache and other conditions. But on Friday, the UK medicines regulator, the Medicines…
Terminate your concerns. San Diego Shooter/Flickr

Super intelligent machines aren’t to be feared

Fear of machines becoming smarter than humans is a standard part of popular culture. In films like iRobot and Terminator, humans are usurped. Throughout history we can trace stories about humankind overreaching…
Pollution face masks are not just for China. Dave Thompson/PA

Air pollution is not yet a thing of the past

It may seem odd for the European Commission to declare 2013 the “Year of the Air” in order to focus on improving air quality standards. Most would feel air pollution is a problem that has been more or…
The offshore industry need not be so dangerous if safety is put first. PA

The oil industry has yet to learn lessons of Piper Alpha

The explosions and fire that completely destroyed the North Sea oil rig Piper Alpha and cost 167 workers their lives remains the world’s worst offshore oil disaster. Saturday, July 6, marks 25 years since…
Welcome to London. Now would you mind fixing the economy? Alastair Grant/PA Wire

Here’s Carney: what to expect of Canada’s superstar banker

Like many Canadians to achieve high office in his country over the past half-century, Mark Carney came from an ordinary, middle-class background. And like his two immediate predecessors as governor of…
Lebanese army in Tripoli where violence is a way of life. Wikimedia Commons

Weary Lebanon licked by the flames engulfing Syria

The fighting that has engulfed the Lebanese city of Sidon over the past week, leaving at least 15 soldiers dead and more than 70 injured, has raised tension across the country. The clashes come on the…
Actual botany is not like this. Rank Organisation/Allied Artists

The strange world of the carnivorous plant

Ever since their discovery, carnivorous plants have fascinated scientists and spurred the imagination of artists, writers and filmmakers. While the Puya chilensis cactus at the Royal Horticultural Society…
Grunts don’t guarantee victories. Mike Egerton/PA

Grunting in tennis: what’s the racket?

Noise seems to be a bit of a problem in major sports tournaments. For many, vuvuzelas were the scourge of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. So much so that the BBC looked into ways of muting them on…
Arriving at a station near you (if you’re in Taiwan). jiadoldol/Flickr

Consider HS2 within wider networks to gauge true value

Transport megaprojects tend to make rather gloomy reading. The prevailing opinion, at least among social scientists, is that all big infrastructure projects share three characteristics: they take longer…
Let them come to Berlin: the crowds from 2009 stayed away in 2013. Wikimedia Commons

Communication failure: ‘Brand Obama’ tired and tarnished

An illustrious predecessor of Barack Obama once wrote: “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” But Thomas Jefferson didn’t have to live with today’s 24-hour…
Don’t mess with my hospital: merging hospitals and departments may not be such a winning formula. PA/Lewis Whyld

Merging hospitals and services may reduce quality of NHS care

Over the past decade there have been more than 100 hospital mergers in the UK. The reasons usually given when hospitals merge is that it saves money and leads to better quality of care. However, there…
Massive budget cuts leave Liverpool in a precarious position. nataliejohnson

Regional cities lose out in Westminster power grab

The coalition came to power in 2010 full of talk about ending the era of top down government and shifting power away from Westminster. The intervening years have given us one broken promise after another…