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Articles on Amazon

Displaying 121 - 140 of 341 articles

Traditional media was left out in the cold years ago due to the advent of technology, meaning today’s news media crisis has been a long time in the making. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

6 potential solutions to ease the COVID-19 news media crisis

The news media crisis is constant but there are a few practical solutions available to help the news business get out of the hole.
Satere-mawe Indigenous men in face masks paddle the Ariau River in hard-hit Manaus state during the coronavirus pandemic, May 5, 2020. Ricardo Oliveira /AFP via Getty Images

Judge orders Brazil to protect Indigenous people from ravages of COVID-19

The Bolsonaro government cannot simply allow Brazil’s out-of-control coronavirus pandemic to decimate its Indigenous population, Brazil’s Supreme Court says.
Satere-mawe Indigenous men in face masks paddle the Ariau River, in hard-hit Manaus state, during the coronavirus pandemic, May 5, 2020. Ricardo Oliveira /AFP via Getty Images

Brazil’s Bolsonaro has COVID-19 – and so do thousands of Indigenous people who live days from the nearest hospital

Indigenous communities were already suffering badly under Bolsonaro. Now, COVID-19 threatens their very survival.
Artisanal small-scale gold mining polluted this stream and deforested sections of the Madre de Dios area of Peru. Mario Tama/Getty Images

Gold rush, mercury legacy: Small-scale mining for gold has produced long-lasting toxic pollution, from 1860s California to modern Peru

Small-scale gold mining operations in developing countries are major sources of toxic mercury pollution, using techniques that haven’t changed much since the California Gold Rush 150 years ago.
Antonio, from the Yanomami village of Watoriki, photographed in November 1992. After contact with Brazilian society in the 1970s, more than half the Yanomami population died from infectious diseases. William Milliken

Covid-19, isolated indigenous peoples and the history of the Amazon

There are telling parallels between the current pandemic and those that decimated indigenous populations in the post-Columbian era in the Amazon.
Samuel Diaz, a delivery worker for Amazon Prime, loads his vehicle with groceries from Whole Foods in Miami. AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

Striking Amazon, Instacart employees reveal how a basic economic principle could derail our ability to combat the coronavirus

Delivery workers and others who ensure most people don’t have to go outside for essential goods are creating what economic theorists call an uncompensated ‘positive externality.’

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