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Articles on France

Displaying 501 - 520 of 851 articles

‘I am a migrant’ solidarity signs were displayed during the European Parliament debate on immigration and asylum in the Strasbourg plenary. European Parliament/flickr

Crimes of solidarity: liberté, égalité and France’s crisis of fraternité

Fraternity is one of the three pillars of the French Republic, but social solidarity is fraying as citizens are criminalised for acting on their beliefs in the human rights of asylum seekers.
Charles Platiau

Debate: On secularism in the 21st century

While France and the US both guarantee individual religious freedom, the two nations’ approach to religion in the public sphere and the separation between church and state are profoundly different.
Starting out as a set of demonstrations against university reform, the French uprisings of May 1968 quickly gathered momentum. AAP/EPA/Prefecture de Police Museum

Be realistic – demand the impossible: the legacy of 1968

The protesters who took to the streets of Paris didn’t know what they wanted: they just knew what they were against. But they did make us think that maybe there is another, better world.
Detail of ‘Smell’ c1500, from The lady and the unicorn series. wool and silk, 368 x 322 cm Musée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris Photo © RMN-GP / M Urtado

Explainer: the symbolism of The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry cycle

The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries, woven around 1500, have been called the ‘Mona Lisa of the Middle Ages’. While they make for breathtaking viewing, their threads are encoded with much meaning.
Macron in Davos on Jan. 24, 2018, where he argued that economic growth wasn’t an end in itself. AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

Macron calls for a ‘global contract’ at Davos

French companies will no longer be ‘forbidden to fail’ and ‘forbidden to succeed,’ the French president tells the World Economic Forum.
Champagne! Yi Wang/Flickr

Champagne: four founding myths of a global icon

While Champagne seems eternal and unchanging, its fame is in fact the product of four founding myths. These have shaped its identity and the images now associated with its consumption.
Johnny Hallyday in concert in May 2014. Mathieu Thouvenin/Flickr

Made in France: how Johnny Hallyday won a nation’s heart

Johnny Hallyday was more than a music icon, he was a cultural symbol for the French lower and the middle classes. In his death he reconciled the country with the term popular culture.
Anglophone Cameroonians want to secede from the Francophone part of the country. Erin Alexis Randolph/Shutterstock

Is it Cameroon’s turn to be suspended from US trade pact with Africa?

Cameroon’s Anglophone crisis that’s pitted its English speaking citizens against the central government could result in the country being denied preferential trade agreements with the US.
Collective prayer on October 20 in Mogadishu in tribute to the 276 dead and 300 wounded, victims of the October 14 terrorist attack. Terrorism has become a global weapon. Mohamed Abdiwahab/AFP

Terrorism, radicalisation and Islam: Michel Wieviorka in conversation with Marc Sageman

Contemporary terrorism is rooted in a form of political violence dating from the French Revolution. It is rooted in social facts and is now evolving on a global scale.

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