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Articles on France

Displaying 521 - 540 of 851 articles

Advertising in Paris’ Château d'Eau subway station for products designed “for black and mixed skin,” April 24, 2018. Sonia Zannad/TCF

Bleaching creams are by-products of colonialism: a view from French history

Despite their dangers, skin-bleaching products are grow in popularity in Africa, Asia and even Europe. France’s colonial history holds one of the keys to better understanding this trend.
The influence of countries in francophone Africa, like Ivory Coast, have shifted how universities think about the French language. Reuters/Luc Gnago

The way French is taught in South Africa offers lessons in decolonisation

French is no longer taught as a European language representative of “French” culture in South Africa. New modes of teaching, learning and research speak to an inclusive Africanist agenda.
The French “carte vitale” guarantees citizens and residents access to care, even in case of severe illness. Wikipedia

How healthy is the French health system?

The French health care system is rated as one of the best in the world, but it’s a shield that’s under increasing stress.
A woman in Seoul, South Korea, talks over her phone as computer screens show the Korea Stock Exchange collapsing during the financial crisis of 2008. Jung Yeon-Je/AFP

‘Indicator frenzy’ : the ‘economicist’ tendency of public policy and alternative indicators

The craze for measurement has become a hallmark of local and national public policy. Exploring the limits of quantification allows us to understand the advantages of developing alternative indicators.
Louis XVI giving final instructions to the Comte de La Perouse in 1785, before La Perouse embarked on his fateful expedition to the Southern Hemisphere. State Library of NSW

The mystery of the La Pérouse expedition survivors: wrecked in Torres Strait?

The French La Pérouse expedition left Botany Bay in 1788, and then vanished, rumoured to be wrecked in the Solomon Islands. But an Indian newspaper article might reveal the fate of its survivors.
Young doctoral candidate on the stage of the competition “My Thesis in 180 Seconds” at Polytechnique. Ecole polytechnique Université Paris-Saclay/Flickr

Doctoral diplomas: a European tradition waiting for a transformation

Despite an international context in transformation, the doctorate seems to have difficulty evolving in Europe. What are experiments have been tried and what are the avenues of innovation?
Voters might be quite rational in refusing to give the green light to those who wield power and benefit from the status quo. Mats Edenius/flickr

We frown on voters’ ambivalence about democracy, but they might just save it

Ambivalence among voters is reason to think about how democracy is working for us as a community. To keep democracy alive we need to be sceptical about the exercise of power and keep it in check.
Sales of electric vehicles are growing fast, especially in Europe. Sopotnicki/

How electric vehicles could take a bite out of the oil market

Shifting to plug-in cars wouldn’t be enough to max out global oil consumption by 2040. But it could help make that happen if cities pitch in and ride-sharing doesn’t crowd out public transportation.

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