Nicolas Dubos, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN)
While species are and will be affected everywhere by climate change, those already living in a warm climate will reach their tolerance threshold faster.
We’ve identified three frog species very likely to already be extinct. Another four species on our list are still surviving, but not likely to make it to 2040 without help.
It’s typically rare to see a dead frog. Yet, we’ve received a flurry of emails from people coming across them in this truly unusual, and tragic, mass death event.
Not all frogs ‘ribbit’ — some sound like a motorbike changing gears or a tennis ball being hit. This summer, keep your eyes and ears out for these Aussie frogs.
Frogs are harvested as food by the millions every year. A new study shows that uncontrolled frog hunting could drive some populations to extinction by midcentury.
What was particularly interesting about the responses of the tadpoles was that they were similar even through they had very different evolutionary histories with the three species we chose.