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Articles on Housing

Displaying 241 - 260 of 835 articles

Demolition of uninhabited shacks in Bloekombos, Kraaifontein, Cape Town, August 6, 2020. The land, which was to be developed as a community facility for neighbouring communities, has been illegally occupied by people who have been demarcating plots and building informal settlements. Rodger Bosch/AFP

Can social housing help South Africa overcome its legacy of apartheid?

Despite millions of free homes built since 1994, spatial inequality in South Africa remains high. A study evaluating a programme to boost rentals in well-located areas found mixed results, however.
Residents of the Jacob Riis Settlement in New York City hold photographs of leaks, mold, peeling paint and other issues during a community town hall meeting on March 7, 2019. AP Photo/Kathy Willens

How to improve public health, the environment and racial equity all at once: Upgrade low-income housing

Building retrofits are no joke: They make dwellings healthier and more energy-efficient. And when they’re done in low-income housing, they also reduce inequality.
Older homes can have a variety of environmental health risks. Kerry F. Thompson and Ryan T. Wilson

Fixing indoor air pollution problems that are raising Native Americans’ COVID-19 risk

Poor indoor air on tribal lands can cause a range of respiratory illnesses, including viral infections. Here’s how people are fixing the problem while preserving traditional ways.

Budget 2021: experts react

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has delivered his second pandemic budget for the Conservatives.
President Joe Biden talked about healing the rifts and uniting America in his inaugural address on Jan. 20, 2021. Michael S. Williamson/Washington Post

5 ways Biden can help rural America thrive and bridge the rural-urban divide

A new federal antipoverty program for both rural and urban areas is part of the solution, but the power of Big Ag, lack of internet and struggling towns need attention, too.

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