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Articles on London

Displaying 261 - 280 of 280 articles

London’s schools have started to. David Parry/PA Wire

Why London’s secondary schools have improved so much

London’s secondary schools have seen rapid improvement in the last decade. Inner London moved from being the worst-performing region in England in 2003 to having better school results than any region outside…
The Castelao stadium in Fortaleza was the first of Brazil’s World Cup stadiums to receive green certification. Pedroichimaru/Wikimedia Commons

The real story behind Brazil’s ‘greenest World Cup’

This year’s World Cup was supposed to be the “greenest ever”, with FIFA taking measures to account for the event’s greenhouse gas emissions, including an estimated 2.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide…
Growing a solution to the growing problem of urban warming. Alison Hancock/Shutterstock

Green or white? Planted or painted roofs can cool buildings

It’s getting hot in the city, and our overheated cities are only going to get hotter still as more people pile in and development and energy use intensifies. But planting away the problem could be a surprisingly…
Members were among ‘few working class people who have still got well paid jobs’. Lewis Whyld/PA

‘A fighter and a man of character’: Bob Crow dead at 52

Bob Crow, the pugnacious General Secretary of the Rail Maritime and Transport Workers Union (RMT), has died at the age of 52 after suffering an aneurysm and a massive heart attack. His passing has brought…
How much is this gonna cost? Anthony Devlin/PA

London Tube strike’s £200m cost ‘plucked out of thin air’

The estimated £50m daily cost of London’s Tube strikes is based on a 2007 survey of just 315 businesses. Since Tuesday night, London’s Tube workers have been on strike and the media has repeated big claims…
It’s time to wake up to London’s cultural dominance. shutterstock

Hard Evidence: does London get too much arts funding?

London has 15.4%, one eighth, of the population of England. It is well known that London receives a disproportionate amount of UK arts subsidies, but perhaps not the vast extent of this. Our independently…
Outsourced workers take things into their own hands. 3Cosas

3Cosas campaign shows migrant workers how to get organised

Trade unions are having to adapt to a new world. The spread of “subcontracted capitalism” across both the private and public sectors has made it increasingly hard to organise workers and win union recognition…
Nearly strike o'clock. Steve Parsons/PA

Both Boris and unions are wrong on tube strikes

London’s tube users face disruption in the New Year as the unions threaten strike action. Debate on the subject is as heated as ever, with both sides racing for the moral high ground. But, though London…
Not-so-great wall: Maoism was alive and well in 1970s London. EarthOwned

Inside the paranoid Maoist cults of 1970s Britain

The couple accused in the case of alleged “domestic slavery” in London were reportedly the leaders of a tiny Maoist sect, the Workers’ Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, which had gone “underground…
No new homes up there, Boris. Stefan Rousseau/PA

Boris’s housing plan needs the rest of us to feed the beast

London’s population is increasing rapidly and forecasts say this growth is set to continue over the next decade and more. However, the last time the capital had enough new houses to match this rate of…
“As improvements I’m going to need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.” Stefan Rousseau/PA

A smarter scheme could help more people use Boris bikes

As a London commuter, travelling from my neighbourhood to the city and back every day, I’ve often wondered how I could make better use of the London Cycle Hire Scheme – the “Boris Bikes” parked around…
Trouble is brewing underneath the city. Kirsty Wigglesworth/PA

Digging bigger sewers under London is expensive, but vital

London’s sewerage system is one of the wonders of the industrial world, and a prize example of great Victorian feats of engineering. The system was designed by the visionary Chief Engineer of the Metropolitan…
Hard hats at the ready: a Johnson-Osborne clash over transport funding may be a dress rehearsal for a much bigger fight ahead. Matt Dunham/PA Wire

Only one winner in the battle between Boris and Osborne

The clash between Boris Johnson and George Osborne over cuts to Transport for London’s budget, which would scupper the mayor’s 2020 vision for a cycling city, represents far more than an argument over…
Woolwich is in shock, but South East London will recover. PA/Gareth Fuller

Woolwich murder: the view from south-east London

Last night in South East London, the deafening frequency of the sirens was reminiscent of London after the 7th July bombings, as the police cars and vans hurtled down the New Cross Road towards Woolwich…

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