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Articles on Obesity

Displaying 721 - 740 of 769 articles

Link between hip size, obesity and premature death

The effect of obesity on the risk of premature death is likely to be seriously underestimated unless a person’s hip circumference…
If we’re to confront obesity and with any real impact, we need to examine the way modern lifestyles have dramatically altered our food intake and energy expenditure. Darwin Bell

National action needed to stop obesity becoming the norm

By 2025, it’s predicted that ⅔ of the Australian population aged over 25 will be overweight or obese if current trends continue. To paint the picture more crudely, it means that a person of normal weight…
The food industry has won this round but the traffic light labelling fight isn’t over yet. IJClark

States should stand up to the food industry on traffic light labelling

The Federal Government has defied expert advice and rejected a traffic light food labelling system for packaged foods, saying there wasn’t enough evidence to show it would give consumers the information…
The multi-country study concluded that in Australia, television advertising’s contribution to childhood obesity is between 10% and 28%. Maggie Osterberg

Government, parents or advertisers: who should decide what kids watch and eat?

A recent complaint to the Advertising Standards Board by the Obesity Policy Coalition about a Smarties online colouring-in competition aimed at three- to ten-year-olds, and a bill introduced by Greens…
Fruit juice contains as much sugar as soft drink. Gail M Tang

Monday’s medical myth: fruit juice is healthier than soft drink

We often hear, from health experts and well-meaning parents, that soft drink is terribly unhealthy and we should opt for fruit juice instead. But apart from a few additional vitamins and minerals, there…
Research has found having an overweight father quadruples the chances of kids being overweight. Conor Ashleigh

Sins of the father: heavier dads mean overweight kids

The increase in childhood obesity over the last few decades is frightening. Clearly fresh thinking is needed. New evidence of father’s impact on children’s weight gain may point us toward novel approaches…
While we try to come to terms with the number of obese people, the chance to reverse the growing trend could be lost. austinevan

Shock of numbers could hinder efforts to fight obesity epidemic

This is a shorter version of an article that appears in the latest issue of Perspectives, an opinion-led journal published by Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute. It’s predicted that two-thirds of the…
Interventions that influence different aspects of the food and physical activity environments are needed to tackle obesity among children. wizardhat/Flickr

Broad range of prevention efforts need to target obesity in children

This is a shorter version of an article that appears in the latest issue of Perspectives, an opinion-led journal published by Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute. The prevalence of overweight and obesity…
Prescription weight loss medicines are expensive and don’t produce lasting results. Flickr/Flashstep

Are diet pills the silver bullet for obesity?

Welcome to part nine of The science behind weight loss, a Conversation series in which we separate the myths about dieting from the realities of exercise and nutrition. Here, Lennert Veerman, Senior Research…
Promises of a quick weight-loss fix mask the realities of liposuction. Laura Mary

Quick and easy, or painful and risky? The truth about liposuction

Welcome to part seven of The science behind weight loss, a Conversation series in which we separate the myths about dieting from the realities of exercise and nutrition. Here, health sociologist Rhian…
Your long-term weight loss success is dependant on both exercise and nutrition. Kenny Holston

Food v exercise: What makes the biggest difference in weight loss?

Welcome to part four of The science behind weight loss, a Conversation series in which we separate the myths about dieting from the realities of exercise and nutrition. Here, Deakin University nutrition…
Diet pill manufacturers take advantage of consumers’ desire to look and feel better. Flickr/jypsygen

Want to set up a weight loss scam? Here’s how …

Welcome to part two of The science behind weight loss, a new Conversation series in which we separate the myths about dieting from the realities of exercise and nutrition. Here, Michael Vagg, Clinical…
Fad diets might give you short-term “results” but they’re unlikely to keep the weight off. Flickr/HTB

Diets and weight loss: separating facts from fiction

Welcome to The science behind weight loss, a new Conversation series where we separate the myths about dieting from the realities of exercise and nutrition. In our first instalment, renowned nutritionist…

Weight and age affect childbirth pain

First-time mothers, obese women and those who have longer labours experience greater pain in childbirth than other women…

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