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Articles on US politics

Displaying 581 - 600 of 737 articles

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump on the campaign trail. Reuters

Trumping musical misappropriation

Donald Trump provoked the ire of REM frontman Michael Stipe this week after he played an REM hit on the campaign trail. In this push-pull between politicians and musicians, let’s revisit the music.
A young American celebrates the historic news of August 9, 1974. flickr/Pip R. Lagenta

The politics of public memory, from Watergate to Iraq

An individual may remember and forget what he or she likes, but once a version of past events is accepted and shared by a group, as a collective construction, it is on public record.
Ten of the 17 Republican candidates for president shared a stage in the first official televised debate ahead of the 2016 election. Reuters/Brian Snyder

US election descends into a circus with first Republican debate

The ten candidates who made it onto Fox News’s debate stage ranged from the serious to the seriously off-base.
“The Donald” campaigning for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. REUTERS/Brian Frank

How Fox News and Donald Trump are impacting the GOP

Fox News and its embrace of the Donald is pulling our national conversation – and the 2016 Republican campaign – to the right.
Hamilton’s political enemies unduly tarnished his legacy. 'Hamilton' via

It’s all about the Hamiltons, baby

Alexander Hamilton’s story is our story. It would be a mistake to remove him from the $10 bill.
It depends who you mean. David Shankbone

Did the US overreact to 9/11?

The new head of Oxford university says it did but while some took post-tragedy patriotism too far, others were pursuing an old agenda.
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush: Super PAC darling REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES

Cash is not king: Jeb Bush’s Super PAC problem

Likely presidential hopeful Jeb Bush may be first among equals in support from mega-rich Super PACS but dough alone is not enough to get to the front of the pack in Republican politics
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Run Bernie run … but why?

What is up with Bernie Sanders? No chance that he would win the primary, much less the presidency. But there is a long history of outsider candidates who have impacted American politics.

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