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Arts + Culture – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 1326 - 1350 of 5202 articles

Jacob Junior Nayinggul (left) and Simon Baker in High Ground (2020). Maxo, Bunya Productions, Savage Films

How historically accurate is the film High Ground? The violence it depicts is uncomfortably close to the truth

In depicting brutal massacres and mission life, this film gets a lot right. And the model for its central protagonist may well be a young man called Narlim, exiled from his country in the late 1930s.
New Zealand artist Lorde (performing here in Germany) is one of several signatories to an open letter to industry leaders about stopping sexual abuse and discrimination. GettyImages

NZ music’s #MeToo moment is a wake-up call for educators: prepare graduates to challenge and change the industry

Musical and vocational training must move beyond making students ready for work — they must also be empowered to deal with an industry overdue for reform.