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Cherie Lacey (left) and Catherine Caudwell interacting with a Furby, one of the first cute home robots. VUW

Super cute home robots are coming, but think twice before you trust them

There’s a reason domestic robots are cute. It makes them appear vulnerable and in need of protection - and that makes us forget that they have unprecedented access to our personal data.
A relief at the ancient Persian city of Persepolis (now in modern Iran), including inscriptions in cuneiform, the world’s oldest form of writing. Diego Delso/Wikimedia

Friday essay: the recovery of cuneiform, the world’s oldest known writing

Cuneiform was used for over 3,000 years in the Ancient Near East, but was only decoded in the 19th century. The writing form is still revealing amazing stories, from literature to mathematics.
Our first episode of Trust Me, I’m An Expert tackles the debate unfolding as Australia contemplates changing the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couple to marry. Axel Heimken/dpa

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: a lawyer, a biblical scholar and a fact-checker walk into the same-sex marriage debate…

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Episode 1 The Conversation, CC BY-ND81.9 MB (download)
In this episode of Trust Me I'm An Expert, we're wading into the same-sex marriage debate with experts on the Bible and the law, and fact-checking claims that kids do best with a mother and a father.