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Articles on Babies

Displaying 161 - 180 of 197 articles

‘Baby talk’ has shorter sentences, simpler words and more repetition. Shutterstock

Why ‘baby talk’ is good for your baby

People often tell new parents to avoid ‘baby talk’ because it will slow down the child’s language development. But evidence shows it does the opposite.
Pregnant women in three Australian cities are not told that lead exposure during pregnancy is linked to miscarriage and early delivery. Flickr/Luca Montanari

Pregnant women and parents misled about dangers of living with lead pollution

Parents in three Australian states are being given misleading advice about the dangers of lead to babies and small children – including failing to warn pregnant women about miscarriage risks.
What the world is waiting for? Hannahmariah

Why the case against designer babies falls apart

Since science made it possible to research manipulating the cells that are linked to reproduction, the naysayers have carried the day. But how solid are their objections really?

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