Big increases in government spending on child care have been recommended by the Productivity Commission, that would see families earning up to $80,000 fully subsidised under the Child Care Subsidy.
Peter Martin, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
Twenty years ago, an average Australian woman working full time earned 85% of an average man. Last year, it was still only 87%. More is being done about the gender pay gap – but is it enough?
The families who rely on early childhood services will likely appreciate the skills and professionalism involved. But as a community, we do not value this work.
When parents are starting their babies in daycare, a common concern is whether it is good for them to be away from their primary carers for long periods of time.
The Early Childhood Education Report offers detailed profiles capturing how each province and territory are doing with implementing Canada-wide early learning and child care.
Governments need to co-operate to prioritize access to high-quality child care for low-income families, and sustain not-for-profit care centres with well-paid educators.
The Bureau of Statistics is considering scaling back the scope of Australia’s time-use survey in a way that will make it difficult to tell how much time we spend caring for children.
New research shows that women’s earnings are negatively impacted by having children, while men’s aren’t. The effects can be long-lasting and contribute to the gender pay gap.
Karina Gould’s parental leave is similar to that of many Canadians. Yet there are key differences, and they offer lessons on how parental leave could be redesigned to help more Canadian parents.
If more Canadian fathers are to harness the benefits of parental leave and remote work, we need to design employment and care policies in ways that recognize every family’s unique needs.
Multigenerational households are the fastest growing household type in England and Wales but living with extended family is a commitment not to be taken lightly.
The ACCC has published calculations for two children in care five days a week. More typical is one child in care two days a week. The typical cost is 5% of after-tax income, not 16%
The latest State of the World’s Fathers report found a shift in attitudes. In 15 countries, between 70% and 90% of men agreed with the statement, “I feel as responsible for care work as my partner.”
Adjunct Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at Ontario Institute for the Study of Education (OISE) and Senior Policy Fellow at the Atkinson Centre, University of Toronto