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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

AAP Image/Supplied by State Control Centre Media/News Corp Australia, Jason Edwards

Under climate change, winter will be the best time for bush burn-offs – and that could be bad news for public health

New research has found the window of opportunity for hazard reduction burns won’t actually get smaller, but instead change seasons.
About seven times as many Americans are working from home since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. scyther5/Getty Images

Telework mostly benefits white, affluent Americans – and offers few climate benefits

Working from home has become the new norm for many during the pandemic. But it’s an opportunity that divides along racial and economic lines – and isn’t as beneficial to the environment as many believe.
Weathering of rocks like these basalt formations in Idaho triggers chemical processes that remove carbon dioxide from the air. Matthew Dillon/Flickr

An effective climate change solution may lie in rocks beneath our feet

To avoid global warming on a catastrophic scale, nations need to reduce emissions and find ways to pull carbon from the air. One promising solution: spreading rock dust on farm fields.