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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

Trevor Noah appears on set during a taping of “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” in New York, 2015. Researchers say humour is one of the best tools to fight against climate change. (Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)

A little humour may help with climate change gloom

Studies show that humour is useful for engaging the public about climate change
Iron ore piles at Dampier, Western Australia. Australia could convert iron oxide to metal for export, producing it with no emissions. CHRISTIAN SPROGOE/ Rio Tinto

Australia is in the box seat to power the world

Eminent economist Ross Garnaut says if climate action fails, he fears the consequences ‘would be beyond contemporary Australia’. But zero-emissions iron and aluminium could be the way forward.
Indonesian residents wade through flood water near the Ciliwung river in Jakarta in February 2018. Our emissions in the near future will lock in sea level rise over centuries.

Our shameful legacy: just 15 years’ worth of emissions will raise sea level in 2300

New research confirms that what the world pumps into the atmosphere today has grave long-term consequences. Governments - especially Australia’s - must urgently ramp up efforts to reduce emissions.
The Maria Fire billows above Santa Paula, California on Oct. 31. AP/Noah Berger

California is living America’s dystopian future

‘California is America fast-forward,’ writes one scholar. Does that mean that the dystopian infernos that have consumed parts of the state are simply a picture of what awaits the rest of America?
Kids are more engaged when they are actively involved in their learning, rather than learning through more passive modes such as listening or reading. from

Involving kids in making schools sustainable spreads the message beyond the classroom

Kids are more engaged when they’re actively involved in their learning. Here’s how three schools are teaching kids about sustainability by being sustainable themselves.
A seagrass meadow. For the first time, researchers have counted the greenhouse gases stored by and emitted from such ecosystems. NOAA/Heather Dine

Australia’s hidden opportunity to cut carbon emissions, and make money in the process

In a world-first, scientists have counted the greenhouse gas absorbed and emitted by Australia’s mangroves, seagrass and other ocean ecosystems.
NASA ‘could not imagine the radical effect of seeing the Earth’ from the moon. In the face of a climate catastrophe, we all need to step back and see the Earth again. Bill Anders/NASA/Handout

Friday essay: thinking like a planet - environmental crisis and the humanities

Historical perspective can offer much in this time of ecological crisis,. Many historians are reinventing their traditional scales of space and time to tell different kinds of stories that recognise the unruly power of nature.
Detecting human fingerprints on complex events like droughts is not straightforward. AAP Image/Dan Peled

The science of drought is complex but the message on climate change is clear

Drought has both natural and human causes, but deep cuts in our greenhouse gas emissions are urgently needed, regardless.