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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

The New Zealand government has announced a partnership with the farming sector to develop voluntary measures to reduce farm emissions. from

Why water quality should have been an issue when NZ government joined with farm sector to curb emissions

The New Zealand government’s decision to partner the farming sector to encourage voluntary reductions in farm emissions failed to acknowledge that agricultural emissions also affect water quality.
Labor leader Anthony Albanese, pictured at a cabinet meeting this month, says coal has a future under the renewables expansion. Richard Wainwright/AAP

Labor’s reset on climate and jobs is a political mirage

On the issue of a retreat from coal, Albanese is trying to walk both sides of the highway by wandering down the middle.
The time has come to accept that energy corridors and fossil fuel exports will be a declining feature of Canada’s economic future. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

The economic illusions of the Canadian election

In the aftermath of the election, what is striking about many of the policy positions of Canada’s federal parties is their timidity, especially when it comes to climate change.