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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

A aerial view of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain marine terminal, in Burnaby, B.C., is shown on Tues., May 29, 2018. (Jonathan Hayward/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Canada’s Paris-pipeline paradox

Canada wants to move towards a green economy and meet its Paris Agreement targets, but it has also just taken ownership of a pipeline. How can the federal government deal with this paradox?
According to a recent report, New Zealand will need to increase renewable electricity generation, plant more trees and continue switching to electric transport more rapidly to achieve its zero carbon goal by 2050. from

New Zealand’s productivity commission charts course to low-emission future

New Zealand has set itself a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050, and a recent report by the Productivity Commission lays out how it could hit that target.
People listen during a protest against the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion on May 29, 2018. The federal government’s decision to buy the project doesn’t inspire confidence for potential investors eyeing Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

What the Kinder Morgan decision says about investing in Canada

The decision of the Canadian government to purchase the $4.5 billion Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion project doesn’t exactly instil confidence in Canada’s investment climate.
A protester holds a photo of an oil-soaked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a demonstration against the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion in Vancouver on May 29, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Justin Trudeau’s risky gamble on the Trans Mountain pipeline

The Trudeau government’s decision to buy the Trans Mountain pipeline from Kinder Morgan is incredibly risky. Here’s why.
San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, right, and California Governor Jerry Brown, left, discuss drought and water restrictions on August 11, 2015. Faulconer has championed renewable energy, water recycling and other climate-friendly policies. AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi

Many Republican mayors are advancing climate-friendly policies without saying so

They may not say ‘climate change,’ but many Republican US mayors support clean energy, jobs in renewable industries, and other climate-friendly policies. And so do majorities of their constituents.
David Suzuki is an environmental activist, broadcaster and globally recognized geneticist. David Suzuki Foundation

David Suzuki backlash ignores his prize-worthy science

David Suzuki may be best known as an environmental activist and the face of CBC’s ‘The Nature of Things,’ but he’s also a globally recognized scientist.
Flood waters rise in the Montreal neighbourhood of Cartierville in May 2017. (Fred/flickr)

Urban floods: We can pay now or later

The risk of urban flooding is rising. Overall, residents and municipalities are ill prepared, but there are steps homeowners can take to protect themselves.
Like many migratory songbirds, tree swallows are experiencing population declines in parts of their breeding range. Julia Baak

Birds wearing backpacks trace a path to conservation

Effective conservation of migratory songbirds requires an understanding of how populations are connected between seasons. The challenge is being able to track individuals throughout the entire year.
Heavy rainfall triggered extensive flooding across the province of Alberta in 2013. (Ryan L. C. Quan/Wikimedia)

Damage from flooding doesn’t have to be inevitable

Calgary has already had two 100-year floods in less than a decade. But the city and the province have yet to take action to meaningfully lower the risk of future flood damages.
The male cardinal tenderly feeding his mate is just one example of the hard work wild animals undertake in springtime. That work often benefits humans. (Shutterstock)

How the hard work of wild animals benefits us too

Wild animals are hard at work this spring. Here’s how their hard labour benefits humans, and why we should be more appreciative.