The hydropower dam is part of a huge effort to boost India’s homegrown energy. But it will radically disrupt the lives and livelihoods of indigenous communities in the flood plains downstream.
Wherever humans set foot, they bring with them invasive exotic species. Some animals and plants that are particularly useful to humans are now found all around the globe.
Canadians are no strangers to cold winters, when everything in nature appears to be frozen solid. However, under the ice cover of lakes, many animals remain active during the winter.
Whether they’re going to cook a fish, have it mounted or just take a photo and then release it, anglers want more than a severed head. But with shark numbers rebounding, they’ve got competition.
The story of a cutting edge science project, in which solar-powered trackers map the movements of creatures, brims with charming anecdotes, serial frustrations and ‘blue sky’ plans.
Humans aren’t the only animals that have names for each other − and studying animals that use names can teach researchers more about how human names evolved.
Wild turkeys were overhunted across the US through the early 1900s, but made a strong comeback. Now, though, numbers are declining again. Two ecologists parse the evidence and offer an explanation.
Mark Wong, The University of Western Australia and Raphael Didham, The University of Western Australia
Sometimes it seems the night is just buzzing with insects. But are there really more insects out at night? We analysed all the evidence on insect activity across the day–night cycle to find out.
Matthew Flinders Professor of Global Ecology and Node Leader in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Indigenous and Environmental Histories and Futures, Flinders University