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Articles on Extreme weather

Displaying 81 - 100 of 352 articles

Without home cooling, Phoenix’s weeks with temperatures over 110 F in July 2023 became dangerous. Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Extreme heat is particularly hard on older adults – an aging population and climate change put ever more people at risk

Health and climate change researchers explain the risks and why older adults, even those in northern states, need to pay attention.
A flash drought in 2012 dried out soil, harming crops in Kansas and several other states. John Moore/Getty Images

Farmers face a soaring risk of flash droughts in every major food-growing region in coming decades, new research shows

If greenhouse gas emissions continue at a high rate, breadbaskets of Europe and North America will see a 50% chance of a flash drought each year by the end of this century.
Street flooding has become more common in parts of Honolulu. Eugene Tanner / AFP via Getty Images

More than two dozen cities and states are suing Big Oil over climate change – they just got a boost from the US Supreme Court

Honolulu, Baltimore, Charleston, S.C. and several other cities harmed by rising seas and extreme weather are suing the oil industry. At stake is who pays for the staggering costs of climate change.

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