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Articles on Genetics

Displaying 301 - 320 of 663 articles

Gene drives aim to deliberately spread bad genes when invasive species such as mice reproduce. Colin Robert Varndell/

‘Gene drives’ could wipe out whole populations of pests in one fell swoop

Releasing just 100 mice carrying a faulty gene designed to stop them reproducing can remove an entire population of 50,000, a new study shows, paving the way for new eradication efforts.
Laboratory mice are among the first animals to have their diseases treated by CRISPR. tiburi via

CRISPR controversy raises questions about gene-editing technique

A new research paper reports dangerous side effects in CRISPR-edited mice. Some scientists are pushing back, placing blame for the unwanted mutations on the experiment, not the technique.
Cancer precision targeting at the Systems Biology and Cancer Metabolism Laboratory. Credit: Systems Biology and Cancer Metabolism Laboratory. Fabian V. Filipp

Can the study of epigenomics lead to personalized cancer treatment?

A field called epigenomics looks at chemical modifications that do not change our DNA sequence but can affect gene activity. What are the limitations, and can biomedicine use this to our advantage?

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