One set of ideas runs counter to the mainstream consensus that technology will save us from climate change. Can degrowth ever win enough converts to persuade humanity to change course?
Ivan Savin, ESCP Business School and Lewis King, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
According to a survey of almost 800 climate researchers, 73% are sceptical of the idea of green growth. Instead, approaches such as agrowth and degrowth are gaining ground.
Human civilisation is headed for collapse. Collectively, we are pushing planet Earth beyond the limits of endurance. There has to be a better way. Now a new book makes the case for systemic change.
In the week ending February 28, leading stock markets around the world faced their worst week since the financial crisis of 2008. And things could get worse.
We like to think there’s a silver lining to tragedy – and this may be influencing both how studies on post-traumatic growth are constructed and how subjects are responding.
South Africa’s 2018 budget does not go far enough. Perhaps finance minister, Malusi Gigaba was caught up in the euphoria of the widely welcomed state of the nation address by Cyril Ramaphosa.