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Articles on Indigenous knowledge

Displaying 121 - 125 of 125 articles

NSW Deputy Premier and Nationals leader Troy Grant kicked off his party’s election campaign launch on March 15 by speaking in Wiradjuri. Nikki Short/AAP

Wiradjuri words show the power of learning Australia’s first languages

NSW Nationals’ leader Troy Grant has broken new ground by speaking Wiradjuri in parliament and at his party’s election launch – and it reflects a growing Indigenous language revival in NSW.
Some Indigenous paintings have lasted thousands of years … so what is it about the pigments that make them so long-lasting? Carolien Coenen/Flickr

Pigments and palettes from the past – science of Indigenous art

Indigenous Australian practices, honed over thousands of years, weave science with storytelling. In this Indigenous science series, we look at different aspects of First Australians’ traditional life and…
The smoke from burning emu bush was used by Indigenous healers for a number of different rituals. Tony Rodd/Flickr

Indigenous medicine – a fusion of ritual and remedy

Indigenous Australian practices, honed over thousands of years, weave science with storytelling. In this Indigenous science series, we look at different aspects of First Australians’ traditional life and…
Night sky over Lake Tyrrel in Western Victoria – home of the Wergaia people. Alex Cherney

Stories from the sky: astronomy in Indigenous knowledge

Indigenous Australian practices, developed and honed over thousands of years, weave science with storytelling. In this Indigenous science series, we’ll look at different aspects of First Australians’ traditional…

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