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Articles on Medical research

Displaying 101 - 120 of 209 articles

Some value may accrue from animal research – but is it enough?

Animals in research: do the costs outweigh the benefits?

Studies in non-human animals have led to “countless” treatments for various diseases, according to a recent article on The Conversation. But the author, Gavan McNally, provided no scientific references…
Breakthroughs such as the development of penicillin – first tested in mice – may not have occurred without animal testing. Novartis AG

Animals in research: benefits, ethics and assessment

“AUSTRALIANS SAY NO TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS,” rang the headline of a recent media release by the activist group Humane Research Australia, referring to an opinion poll it commissioned in May that found…
Tony Abbott has a history of supporting medical research since his time as health minister under John Howard. Paul Miller/AAP

Coalition policy aims to protect and streamline medical research

The Coalition’s Policy to Protect and Streamline Health and Medical Research Funding is one of the first documents off the blocks this election. Short and sweet, it is designed to appeal to medical researchers…
Magic mushrooms might be less mysterious if scientists could find out more about them. Flickr/ReflexPics

Medical breakthroughs missed because of pointless drug bans

In 1632 the Catholic Church convened a case against Galileo on the grounds that his work using the telescope to explore the nature of the heavens contradicted the church’s teaching - the culmination of…
Mice have revealed many of biology’s secrets. Stuart Read/APN

Animals in research: mice

Our series, Animals in Research, profiles the top organisms used for science experimentation. Here, we look at a species familiar to most: Mus musculus, or the mouse. Mice have been close companions of…
Zebrafish at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. Joan Heath

Animals in research: zebrafish

Our series, Animals in Research, profiles the top organisms used for science experimentation. Here, we look at Danio rerio - the zebrafish. Zebrafish are probably not the first creatures that come to mind…
Drosphila melanogaster showing red-eyed and white-eyed variants. Joe Jimbo

Animals in research: Drosophila (the fruit fly)

We’ve all heard of lab rats, but what are the other go-to animals for researchers, and why are they so popular? Our new series, Animals in Research, profiles the top creatures for science experimentation…
Research should be routinely performed as part of health-care delivery. Image from

Don’t bury the benefits of research to improve the health system

If you missed the release of the McKeon review on Friday you’re not alone. The Commonwealth government released the Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research just before the weekend – a time usually…
The McKeon review of health and medical research funding is now in the government’s hands with the review panel stepping up its focus on the return on investment. Paul Miller/AAP

Health review panel adjusts funding recommendations

The McKeon review of health and medical research has reduced its short term funding bid in the face of current federal budget pressures. The draft review, released in October last year, suggested an additional…
The aim of CER is to assess the effectiveness and worth of medical interventions in real-life scenarios. Image from

Explainer: what is comparative effectiveness research?

The evidence gleaned from medical research directly affects the decisions made about health care in Australia, driving everything from clinical practice guidelines, to which health interventions will and…
Researchers have welcomed Tony Abbott’s commitment to protect health and medical research funding from budget cuts. AAP/David Crosling

Research sector welcomes the election but wants a focus on productivity

Universities and researchers have broadly welcomed yesterday’s surprise election date announcement, with Universities Australia chief Belinda Robinson saying it was in the national interest to have greater…
A new report shows that medical research in Australia is world-leading. Medical research image from

ERA results: medical research is Australia’s best

Australia’s medical and health sciences are leading the country in research quality, according to the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) report. The report, conducted by the Australian Research…
An In Conversation between federal coalition MP Andrew Robb and the director of the Waler and Eliza Hall Institute, Doug Hilton. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

In Conversation Andrew Robb: full transcript

Doug Hilton: Welcome Andrew to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. This conversation between me, Doug Hilton, and Andrew Robb is part of The Conversation. So Andrew, it’s been really exciting in the last…
The research funding system needs to be changed to make it more efficient says coalition member Andrew Robb. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

In Conversation with Andrew Robb: research must ‘back our strengths’

It’s hard to argue with the importance of research, particularly medical research. It leads to breakthroughs and can change people’s lives for the better. But there are some crucial questions about how…
Researchers have invested hundreds of hours to enhance their applications, only to miss out. Paperwork image from

A better way to award NHMRC’s medical research grants

Last Friday, the results for this year’s round of applications for National Health and Medical Research (NHMRC) grants were released. Because headlines focus on success and rankings, universities and medical…
Medical research funding received a green light today, but others in the research sector remain worried about cuts. Howzey/Flickr

Medical funding gets green light as research sector braces for cuts

Universities Australia has welcomed the announcement of A$652 million in National Health and Medical Research Council grants, but warned moves to abolish, cut or further delay other funding programs would…
Researchers have welcomed Simon McKeon’s review into health and medical research. verticalpharmacy/Flickr

Medical research needs $30b funding boost: McKeon

The cost of healthcare is escalating at an unsustainable rate and an additional $2-3 billion a year for the next ten years should be invested in research to address the problem, according to a government-commissioned…

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