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Articles on Migrants

Displaying 301 - 320 of 394 articles

Members of the South Sudanese community in the ACT reported facing racism in the job seeking process. Author provided

A degree doesn’t count for South Sudanese job seekers

South Sudanese living in the ACT are facing racism when job seeking and can’t get employment in roles for which they have professional qualifications.
Despite more than three in every four refugees from South Sudan reporting experience of discrimination, a similar proportion remain positive about their new lives in Australia. AAP/Maria Zsoldos

Migrants from Africa bear brunt of discrimination but remain positive, survey finds

While 60-77% of migrants of African origin and 59% of Indigenous Australians report experience of discrimination in the Scanlon Foundation survey of Australian attitudes, optimism endures.
An anti-immigrant mood has been sweeping the West, such as in Finland. Scanpix Sweden/Reuters

Why we’re wrong to blame immigrants for our sputtering economies

Many politicians in the West – from backers of Brexit to Donald Trump – have convinced voters that immigrants are hurting their economies. The evidence suggests otherwise.

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