Adrian Beaumont
Election Analyst (Psephologist) at The Conversation; and Honorary Associate, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne
Leighton Vaughan Williams
Professor of Economics and Finance. Director of the Betting Research Unit and the Political Forecasting Unit at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University
John Curtice
Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde and Senior Research Fellow, National Centre for Social Research, National Centre for Social Research
Michael Traugott
Research Professor at the Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan
Paul Whiteley
Professor, Department of Government, University of Essex
Nick Economou
Senior Lecturer, School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University
Edwin Amenta
Professor of Sociology, University of California, Irvine
William Bowe
PhD Candidate, The University of Western Australia
Natalie Mast
Senior Project Manager, Murdoch University
Michelle Grattan
Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra
Ron Johnston
Professor of Geography, University of Bristol
Todd K. Hartman
Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Social Science and Director of the Sheffield Q-Step Centre (The University of Sheffield); Statistical Ambassador (Royal Statistical Society), University of Sheffield
Mark Balnaves
Adjunct Research Fellow; Journalist, University of Notre Dame Australia
David Smith
Associate Professor in American Politics and Foreign Policy, US Studies Centre, University of Sydney
John A. Tures
Professor of Political Science, LaGrange College