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Articles on Slavery

Displaying 241 - 260 of 359 articles

The Mormon church is still grappling with a racial past. AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File

Mormons confront a history of Church racism

Forty years ago, the Mormon church reversed restrictions on its members of African-American descent. Today, the church wants to celebrate the value of its diversity.
Killmonger, the evil villain of ‘Black Panther,’ has plans of global insurgencies to liberate Black people. (Marvel/Disney)

‘Black Panther’ villain can teach us about revolutionary history

The lead villain of Black Panther is a complex character who represents years of conflicting debates among African American leaders about how to achieve Black liberation.
Could a North-African migrant become the Prime minister of a European country in the 21st century? In the 19th century, a Greek slave rose to the highest ranks in Tunis. The Bey of Tunis, Muhammad Sādiq Bāšā-Bey, greets Napoleon III in Algiers, on 20 September 1860. A. de Belle Ksar Saïd Museum

Migrants: when Europeans once flocked to North African shores

When we think of migrants, we think of them crossing the Mediterranean to come to Europe. Yet 200 years ago, many did it the other way.
After Haiti signed its Declaration of Independence from France, in 1804, the U.S. started a nearly 60-year political and economic embargo that hobbled the young nation’s growth. Wikimedia

Donald Trump doesn’t understand Haiti, immigration or American history

Trump’s anti-Haitian rhetoric ignores a long pattern of migration from Haiti to the U.S., often driven by American meddling in Haitian affairs. Today, the two nations are irrevocably bound by history.
MLK Day is a reminder to honour the voices and actions of our pasts but it is also a call to action to look at our current lives and see what we can do better. Pictured: a Black Lives Matter protest in NYC, July 2016. (Shutterstock)

Raising hope: Parenting in an anti-Black environment

In a climate of Trumpism, where racism and violence are daily occurrences, the need to reflect on our racialized children and our anti-racism parenting is critical – on MLK Day and every day.
Kwanzaa celebrations. Black Hour

What Kwanzaa means for Black Americans

For the African-American community, Kwanzaa is not just any “Black holiday. ” It is a recognition that knowledge of Black history is worthwhile.

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