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Articles on Transport

Displaying 401 - 414 of 414 articles

Is it time for Australian rail to speed up? yewenyi/Flickr

Can Australian high speed rail overcome its bumpy history?

The Australian Government has released an “implementation” study for high speed rail (or HSR) on the east coast with a further study to follow. The proposal looks at corridors between Melbourne, Sydney…
Counterintuitively, the carbon tax may make it harder to get a bus. Dale Gillard/Flickr

Public transport - collateral damage of our new carbon price

Transport accounts for 14% of Australia’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and has one of the fastest emission growth rates. Cutting our national emissions might, therefore, be expected to shine a blowtorch…
Exempting petrol to protect rural families isn’t very forward thinking. Sids1/Flickr

Carbon-tax-free petrol is a hollow victory for everyday Australians

Full revelations of the Gillard government’s carbon tax are expected in the coming days, but the decision to spare the Australian motorist has just been announced. Picking that this might happen was a…
Investment in Australia’s ports is one obvious priority to enhance growth - but let’s broaden our outlook.

With the NBN locked in, it’s time to bridge our infrastructure gaps

There has been much debate in the popular and political discourse on the state of our national infrastructure. The general consensus, despite Victoria’s Baillieu government’s failure to put forth any proposals…

Want to create jobs? Build a bike path

Research from Massachusetts has found that every dollar spent on cycling infrastructure creates more jobs than a dollar spent…
Getting out of the car: easy for some. Hunter Desportes/Flickr

Driven to despair in Australia’s outer suburbs

In cities all over the industrial world, people are driving less. Changes to society and the structures of our cities have made jumping in the car less popular. But what does this mean for people who have…
For politicians, there’s no bright future in pushing up petrol prices. Alcohol Gasoline/Flickr

Driving off a cliff? The politics of petrol and carbon-pricing

Politically, increasing petrol prices is one of the least popular things a government can do. But is there any point to a carbon tax if it doesn’t cover petrol? Vladimir Putin has just found how quickly…
I don’t care what it is, I just want it to be on time. Drown/Flickr

Getting public transport right means less emphasis on rail

News of a new bus route will most likely be greeted with indifferent silence, but lobbying for a new train line can keep thousands of potential commuters busy for years on end. It seems that everyone loves…
Congestion charging will reduce Australian traffic loads. Burning image/Flickr

The case for congestion charging in Australia

As you sit in your usual morning traffic jam, increasingly agitated, blood pressure flying, do you continually wonder “Why can’t they fix this mess?” Widen some roads. Build some new links. Improve the…
At least three-quarters of city commuters travel by car. AAP

Carbon tax on petrol has zero chance of cutting emissions

Emissions trading is back in the news and in national political debate, as is the related question of how it will affect Australian motorists. Fair enough. This should receive attention because greenhouse…

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