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Articles sur MySpace

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The internet is growing, but old information continues to disappear daily. wk1003mike/

Your internet data is rotting

MySpace users were recently shocked to learn that the company lost 50 million user files. It’s a harsh lesson in not leaving your intellectual property unprotected on the information superhighway.
Cutouts depicting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wearing ‘Fix Fakebook’ displayed on Capitol Hill on April 10, 2018. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The law that made Facebook what it is today

The Communications Decency Act was passed in 1996, seven years before the debut of MySpace. It helped online publishing grow – and to escape consequences for the way users might be harmed.
In the mid-1990s, body modification enthusiasts – a long-ostracized subculture – created an online community that incorporated blogs, dating and wikis. philippe leroyer/flickr

How Facebook – the Wal-Mart of the internet – dismantled online subcultures

Even though Facebook claims to be a global community, its rise has come at the expense of online subcultures for marginalized people, from body modification enthusiasts to drag queens.

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