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Articles on Power prices

Displaying 21 - 40 of 49 articles

The price of new-build renewable energy is expected to fall significantly relative to new-build coal energy in coming years. AAP Image/Lucy Hughes Jones

Renewables will be cheaper than coal in the future. Here are the numbers

The price of renewable energy will fall significantly relative to new-build coal in coming decades, making an all-renewable electricity system more desirable, both economically and environmentally.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull still can’t seem to distance himself from coal. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Coal and the Coalition: the policy knot that still won’t untie

The Turnbull government is still tying itself in knots over the future of coal, as literally decades of policy turmoil on climate and energy continue to roll on.
Solar panels are still a rarity in WA’s lower-income areas. Orderinchaos/Wikimedia Commons

WA bathes in sunshine but the poorest households lack solar panels – that needs to change

Western Australia has huge amounts of sunshine and wind, yet only 7% of its energy comes from renewables. What’s more, most households in the poorest suburbs are still locked out of the solar panel boom.
The government faces a hard internal sell on the Finkel plan, not least to Tony Abbott. Mick Tsikas/AAP

How hard will Tony Abbott run against the Finkel plan?

Bedding down an energy security policy based broadly on the Finkel model is now crucial for Malcolm Turnbull. But the issue will also test Tony Abbott’s judgement and influence, in what has long been a…
SA energy minister Tom Koutsantonis outlines his plan to make his state more energy-independent. AAP Image/David Mariuz

South Australia makes a fresh power play in its bid to end the blackouts

South Australia has unveiled its keenly awaited energy plan, featuring battery storage, a state-owned gas power station, and a thumb of the nose to the federal electricity rules.
High gas prices have left Adelaide’s Pelican Point power station running at less than half its capacity. Peripitus/Wikimedia Commons

Why did energy regulators deliberately turn out the lights in South Australia?

South Australia’s government was angry about the blackouts enforced by electricity regulators. But with much of the state’s gas power offline, the regulators had little choice.
You shouldn’t have to crank up the aircon. chanus/

Why bad housing design pumps up power prices for everyone

Power-hungry houses that rely on air conditioning to make up for their bad design mean that the electricity grid has to cope with summer demand peaks – and everybody pays.
There are many misleading claims about what happens after electricity privatisation – including the impact on prices and on jobs. Paul Miller/AAP

Myths, not facts, muddy the electricity privatisation debate

Both sides of the electricity privatisation debate are guilty of cherry-picking so-called “facts” to suit their campaigns, rather than presenting the real story to voters.
Money spent on helping consumers reduce demand means less money spent on substations and other infrastructure. Bidgee/Wikimedia Commons

A simple rule change can save billions for power networks and their customers

Incentives for cutting peak power demand are cheaper than building ever more infrastructure and sending power bills ever higher. The industry has a chance to embrace this new approach - but will it?

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