Prince Harry’s long-awaited memoir tells a story of a troubled young man, traumatised by the death of his mother when he was just 12. And a man, closer to his 40s, who remains angry and anxious.
Charles’s coronation will be the most constitutionally significant ceremony of his entire reign. It should prompt discussion about what a modern monarchy could be.
As Prince of Wales, Charles regularly met scientists to learn more about environmental research. Two Australian researchers recall encounters with the new monarch that left an impression.
The world changed a great deal in the 70 years of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. Her son’s legacy may be determined by how he adapts to new dynamics within the UK and across the Commonwealth.
Queen Elizabeth’s eldest son has waited a long time to be king. Now, he is charged with holding the popular imagination after the death of his beloved mother.
Queen Elizabeth harnessed goodwill from Canadians mostly as an individual, rather than as the hereditary head of an institution. But her death will lead to debate about the relevance of the monarchy.
Succession has long been the weak link in the system of hereditary monarchy. Perhaps it may be time for Australia to reconsider the place of the monarchy in our own political system.
The revolt in Barbados occurred in 1816 when an enslaved driver named Bussa led insurgents against the British colonial militia. It took another 200 years before British rule officially ended.
Director of History & Policy at the Institute of Historical Research and Professor of British and Commonwealth History, School of Advanced Study, University of London