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Displaying 11 - 20 of 28 articles

Thomas Frank: wit and author of Listen Liberal. Vimeo

After Trump 2016, will liberals listen?

Trump’s noxiousness aside, it remains the economy, and the Democrats’ abandonment of their traditional base that explains Trump’s ascent, according to American commentator Thomas Frank.
Jacques Derrida was the father of deconstruction.

In the Margins of Philosophy; Plato to Footnotes

Footnotes to Plato 2017 will mark fifty years since French-Algerian philosopher Jacques Derrida’s golden year of 1967. In that year, the classic studies Speech and Phenomena, Writing and Difference, and…
Attica from the Areopagus at dusk in July.

Greece 2016 — is there still no alternative?

A perfect storm ‘Perfect storm’ and ‘endless crisis’ are not phrases that easily come to mind as you sit atop the Areopagus Hill, just West of the Acropolis, and watch the orange sun disappear improbably…
Falstaff Wooing Mistress Ford.

And honest too … Merry Wives in Melbourne

I wasn’t 100% sure how I felt when my wife announced she thought we should see a Shakespeare on the one night we’d had without our toddler for I don’t know exactly how long. Moreover, it was a play I wasn’t…
Aristotle s definition of rhetoric in one founding text in the rhetorical tradition.

Rhetoric: what was all the talk about?

A little case of 1616 repeatin’ A concerned friend recently told me of an article he had read in the good press suggesting that Shakespeare was no longer relevant today. I had to agree with the good press…