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Displaying 1 - 10 of 38 articles

The Chinese hoax.

Trump’s Paris Retreat is Beijing’s Opportunity

One of China’s foremost environmental analysts recently explained to me that while for many years climate change was characterized as a western conspiracy to hold China back, it all changed around 2012…
Alpha Males and the Lump of Coal.

That Lump of Coal

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be scared, it won’t hurt you. It’s coal.” With these words Australia’s Treasurer Scott Morrison taunted the Opposition, attempting to ridicule its commitment to renewable energy…
Anti Trump protest NYC.

What next for the anti-Trump protesters?

There are two possible outcomes from the huge anti-Trump marches the day after the new president’s inauguration. Perhaps, having made their protest, the marchers will go home and spend the next four or…
Noel Pearson.

Noel Pearson and White Masochism

For years Noel Pearson has been using people like me as a punching bag, and I’m sick of it. Having cajoled and bullied one government after another into pouring millions into his pet schemes, thereby depriving…
Jesus for Trump.

Trumpism as Whitelash

Can we get real about the meaning of Donald Trump’s victory? The day before the presidential election everyone believed Hillary Clinton would win. The polls consistently showed she was some 3 or more percentage…
Suffragists head for Victorian Parliment.

Which protest movement has been most successful?

The new social movements that coalesced in the 1970s around demands for peace, women’s rights, gay liberation and Indigenous rights transformed Australia’s social landscape completely. It is impossible…
point degrees in Paris.

How to Think About 1.5 Degrees

Astonishment was universal last December when the Paris Agreement on climate change included the aspiration to limit warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, a much tougher target than the standard…
A house of cards.

Climate Policy’s House of Cards

There are the pragmatists willing to compromise to get at least something, and then there are the idealists who stick to their principles and end up with nothing. Or so the argument goes. This tired old…