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Artículos sobre Asylum seeker expert panel

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Australian troops examine the asylum seeker detention centre on Nauru. AAP/Alex Ellinghauses

Asylum seekers and the Houston Report’s ‘Australian solution’

The Houston panel reported on Monday 13 August 2012. The government has committed to implementing all of its recommendations. In fact, one of its recommendations (recommendation 7) has already been implemented…
Immigration Minister Chris Bowen may no longer be guardian to unaccompanied asylum seeker minors. AAP/Alan Porritt

Expert panel leaves asylum seeker children in the dark

The circumstances of unaccompanied minors are barely addressed by the Houston report on asylum seekers. There is one reference to “vulnerable persons”. This is in the context of transferring those with…
The Conversation expert panel and the Houston panel: same terms of reference, different recommendations. AAP/Alan Porritt

Houston report on asylum seekers: did the panel listen to the experts?

Angus Houston’s expert panel on asylum seekers released its final report yesterday. Charged by the prime minister with breaking the political deadlock on asylum seeker policy, the panel has handed down…
In asylum seeker policy, the most punitive measures are the most politically acceptable. AAP/Lukas Coch

For asylum seekers, ‘disincentives’ are the new deterrence

Remarkably, in all the 162 pages of the Houston panel’s report on asylum seekers, the word “deter” does not appear a single time. But this does not necessarily indicate a welcome move away from the deterrence-based…
Gillard’s expert panel - Michael L'Estrange, Angus Houston and Paris Aristotle (L-R) - gave her exactly what she wanted. AAP/Alan Porritt

Hard-headed politics: ask the right experts and you’ll get the answers you want

Politics drives policy, and not the other way around. If we ever needed a sober reminder of this democratic truism, we got it in the political responses to the expert panel’s report on asylum seeker policy…
Rohingya asylum seekers from Myanmar rest at a temporary shelter in the port of Krueng Raya, Aceh, Indonesia. EPA/Hotli Simanjuntak

Houston panel offers a circuit breaker in regional asylum crisis

As we waited for the release of the Houston panel’s report on asylum seekers yesterday, I saw a mixture of high hopes and low expectations from those in attendance at the Parliament House briefing room…
The Houston panel - Paris Aristotle, Angus Houston and Michael L'Estrange - briefed the media on their findings yesterday afternoon. AAP/Alan Porritt

Houston panel ignores the evidence on asylum seekers

The Report of the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers contains some threads of a genuine shift from the prevailing framework towards a more regulatory model for responding to asylum seekers. The panel has abandoned…
There is a fairer and more humane way of dealing with asylum seekers. AAP/Department of Defence

Saving lives at sea: the asylum seeker expert panel reports

After two weeks of assessing the evidence, discussing policy and reporting on fieldwork, The Conversation’s asylum seeker expert panel has made its findings. Using information from our research repository…
Our panel will consider options to prevent deaths at sea. AAP/Basarnas

The Conversation panel on asylum seekers: meet the experts

The Conversation has brought together a team of six academic experts to tackle one of the thorniest issues in Australian politics - asylum seeker deaths at sea. Over the next few weeks, they’ll be examining…
Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre. DIAC

Asylum seekers and Australia: the evidence

Welcome to The Conversation’s research repository on asylum seeker issues. When public debate has ground to a halt over something as serious as lives lost at sea, it’s time to look to what the evidence…

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