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Artículos sobre Banking

Mostrando 281 - 300 de 379 artículos

Because greed isn’t always good. gaynoir

Bank bonuses just encourage greedy or dishonest staff

The explosive issue of banker bonuses refuses to go away – and not just because of the Bank of England’s controversial new “clawback” measures, which will defer bonuses for three to five years. President…
Chipping away at casino strategies. clry2

Using a fund manager? You’d get the same results at a casino

The people who manage pensions and investments are locked in a constant battle to win our custom, often dazzling us with examples of how well they have beaten the market in the hope that this success will…

New rules on banker bonuses are more bark than bite

The 2007-2008 banking crash ushered in an era of austerity and pay freezes, but bank executives have continued to enjoy disproportionate rewards even though their institutions have been bailed out by taxpayers…
The news was taken badly by some bankers. thehutch

New bonus rules may make bankers happier campers

Imagine having to wait seven years before you could be sure that what you were properly paid for your job. If it sounds like a bad deal then maybe it’s time to spare some empathy for bankers at UK financial…
Conflicts abound in Australia’s financial system. Dan Peled/AAP

Three financial system flaws David Murray can’t ignore

At the current frequency of financial system inquiries (Campbell 1982, Wallis 1997, Murray 2014) there will not be another until 2030. That makes this week’s interim report from David Murray all the more…
Could Bitcoin turn banking on its head? Elentari86/Flickr

Banking’s huge profits almost ready for the taking

Australia’s big four banks are the most profitable in the world. Last year they made A$27 billion in profit, up 9.5% on the previous year. Tech leaders in Australia say the financial industry is ripe for…
Revelations of secret Trade in Services Agreement talks have brought them from the shadows. Image sourced from

Wikileaks brings much-needed scrutiny to secret trade talks

Wikileaks has shone the light yet again on behind-the-scenes manoeuvres by a core of governments seeking to advance a free market agenda in the guise of “trade”. The leaked text on financial services is…
Further global deregulation of banking might present future opportunities. Image sourced from

Why we needn’t fear the end of the Four Pillars policy

Revelations by whistleblower organisation Wikileaks of secret global negotiations to further deregulate global financial services, has led to speculation that such pact could signal the end of Australia’s…
I sent a friend request so I’m pretty sure this is OK. mattiasjajaja

Nothing is private once Facebook gets into your wallet

Facebook has been on a shopping spree in 2014. It’s looking to buy a drone company so it can bring the internet and Facebook to the remaining 6 billion people on Earth who aren’t already using it, and…
An increasing number of consumers choose a broker over going direct to a bank for their home loan. Dan Peled/AAP

Looking for a home loan? Choose from one of these four options…

Over 40% of mortgages in Australia are sold by mortgage brokers, not by their manufacturers - an issue that has the CEO of Australia’s fifth largest bank, Suncorp, arguing the sector is skewed towards…
The Reserve Bank’s mandate is much broader than that of prudential regulator, APRA. ArchivesACT/Flickr

The case for the Reserve Bank to swallow APRA

One of the major recommendations made by the 1997 Wallis Inquiry into banking was to establish a prudential regulator for the financial sector separate from the Reserve Bank of Australia. The new regulator…
The last word is still accurate, at least. EPA

Now Co-op is just another bank, it’s time to ditch the name

Just when members of the Co-op thought the group’s increasingly farcical situation was coming to an end, it was revealed that the bank had overlooked £400m in fines for mis-selling payment protection insurance…
Banks are asking former CBA chief David Murray, now heading the Financial Systems Inquiry, to consider tax breaks on interest income. AAP/Dean Lewins

Banks want you to pay less tax on interest, but why?

Australia’s big banks want the government to give their customers tax breaks on interest income, having told the Financial Systems Inquiry it would encourage more savings. In turn, the banks will have…

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