Whether they’re going to cook a fish, have it mounted or just take a photo and then release it, anglers want more than a severed head. But with shark numbers rebounding, they’ve got competition.
A widely anticipated Supreme Court ruling will sharply limit federal agencies’ power to interpret the laws that they execute and decide how best to carry them out.
The Supreme Court drastically reduced federal protection for wetlands in 2023. Two environmental lawyers explain how private businesses and nongovernment organizations can help fill the gap.
Most social media PR blurb is designed to convince the public these tech companies are a benign force for good. What the public really needs is a public service internet.
For decades, big-box retailers have evaded federal regulation of the pollution their operations generate. But a new air emission rule in Southern California could become a model for state controls.
Turning off power is a last-ditch strategy for utilities to reduce the risk that their systems could spark wildfires. In most states, deciding whether to take that step is up to utilities.
The Canadian government’s proposed legislation to regulate artificial intelligence doesn’t address the government’s own applications. More oversight and consultations are needed to protect Canadians.
People love to hate bureaucracy, but regulatory agencies play key roles in modern society. Conservatives want to cut back their power, but a political scientist proposes a different option.
Distinguished Professor of Practice, Trachtenberg School of Public Policy & Public Administration, and Director of the Regulatory Studies Center, George Washington University