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Artículos sobre Bill Gates

Mostrando 21 - 35 de 35 artículos

Jeff Bezos is now the richest person in the world. Reed Saxon/AP Photo

The world on a billionaire’s budget

There are about 2,000 billionaires in the world, controlling over $7.6 trillion. How does that compare to the income of an average American?
Family members often become primary caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease. tonkid/

The two obstacles that are holding back Alzheimer’s research

The first clinical trial examining a drug to treat Alzheimer’s was begun 30 years ago. There is still no cure and no known way to prevent the disease. Two factors may contribute to that.
Jeff Bezos (right), now the world’s second-richest person, is charting a different course for his philanthropy than Bill Gates (left), the richest, and Warren Buffett (center), who has fallen to third place. Reuters/Jim Tanner

What Jeff Bezos gets wrong (and right) with his populist philanthropy

Amazon’s founder turned to Twitter to crowdsource ideas for his charitable giving. This populist approach and his preference for short-term results set Jeff Bezos apart from other mega-donors.
Mark Zuckerberg is, quite famously, a college dropout. But his case is the exception – not the rule. AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

The myth of the college dropout

While the media glamorizes famous college dropouts like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, the reality is that most successful people in the U.S. went to – and finished – college.
He’s been to Trump Tower, now it’s time for Bill Gates to set his sights on planet Mars. Andrew Kelly/Reuters

Why we should send Bill Gates to Mars

We need Mars-level thinking to solve our energy and climate problems here on Earth.
Volunteers clean up after Hurricane Sandy. jim.henderson

Why money is an impoverished metric of generosity

There are few things Americans like more than lists and money, but ranking philanthropists on the monetary size of their giving distorts our understanding of generosity, argues one ethicist.
Is Bill Gates’ desire to help tackle the world’s problems compatible with his foundation’s huge fossil fuel investments? EPA/Cole Burston

Can the Gates Foundation be convinced to dump fossil fuels?

The Gates Foundation is being urged to dump its sizeable fossil fuel assets. Bill Gates cares deeply about world health and development, both of which are affected by climate, but will his charity divest?

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